I highly rely on my emotion, curiosity, and fear to make things happen. It can be seen as a constant conversation with my doubts to the reality.
My works can be any kinds of forms. They reflect my relationship with the world by collecting the vision from my consciousness and subconsciousness in certain period of time in my life. Due to my deep fear of the real world that might be misunderstood by most of us, I try to find a balance in between my understanding and imagination. Like what Albert Einstein said: “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
每每提到這些非常個人化的猜想與畏懼,就會想到愛因斯坦的話:所謂現實只不過是個錯覺,雖然這個錯覺非常持久。(Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.)